Developing and Utilizing Human Resources

Recognizing that our employees are the Shinko Group’s most valuable asset, one of our Corporate Values in the Shinko Way is to support our employees so that they can improve their abilities and expertise to achieve growth through their work.
We have set up an education system to improve human resource development based on our human resourse development policy to both improve our education programs and enrich individual training sessions.
We have adopted personnel systems based on a fair  and open compensation structure for job responsibilities, with each person’s duties and the weight of their  responsibilities clearly defined, regardless of academic background, age, years of service, or gender.

Human Resource Development Policy and Training Systems

Human Resource Development Policy

Employees are the Shinko Group's most valuable asset. Based on the philosophy encapsulated in the Shinko Way, the Shinko Group supports employees so that they can improve their abilities and expertise to achieve growth through their own work.

Develop employees who are proud of their work and constantly pursue evolution in their respective fields of expertise

Autonomy and Challenge
Develop employees who continue to take on the challenge of personal growth to create new value

Integrity and Trust
Develop employees who, using sound ethics and integrity, can build relationships of trust with stakeholders

Representative Director of Board, President

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We promote the development of employees who will lead the future through on-the-job-training in the workplace and through systematic education.
In February 2021, we established the SHINKO Techno Academy as an inhouse educational institution that will improve and hone the knowledge and skills of employees working at manufacturing sites.
We have also launched business skills e-learning courses with the aim of strengthening the business skills needed for an employee’s responsibilities, and we offer opportunities for self-directed learning so that many employees can choose, from a range of courses, the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs better.
We establish an Education Promotion Committee consisting of the training implementation divisions and manufacturing divisions to further improve training systems for strengthening our human resources base and to reinforce support for manufacturing divisions.
The average training cost per employee in FY2023 was 13,400 yen and the average learning time per employee was 25.7 hours.

Initiatives to Cultivate Global Human Resources

Shinko supports the learning of foreign languages by employees, to develop human resources who can take charge of global business. We offer correspondence training courses for foreign languages and English business skills classes, and our company subsidize the fees for these educational initiatives. We have also introduced an online system for taking TOEIC tests in-house and increased opportunities to take the test by holding it every three months.
Every year, we consider expanding our business foreign language courses based on the needs of participants and strengthen the provision of information to make it easier for each person to choose a course. To enhance motivation to learn, we hold a "Seminar on Methods of Learning English" for new employees.

Personnel Systems Based on Fair Evaluation and Fair Pay

We believe that true fairness means appropriately evaluating and rewarding outcomes when an employee maximizes his or her abilities, embraces the challenge of pursuing goals, and contributes to our objectives and performance. We enforce the personnel system of treatment of employees based on job responsibilities and the outcomes of work, not on personal factors such as continued service and academic background. In addition, we encourage the pursuit of more challenging goals through management-by-objectives and objectives interview programs. We regard these as opportunities for the development of subordinates through communication between subordinates and their supervisors based on feedback from supervisors about the content of evaluations. We provide evaluator training to persons in line for promotion to management in an effort to ensure fair evaluations and the appropriate administration of the management-by-objectives and objectives interview programs.
In addition, based on the principle of equal pay for equal work, as required by law, we confirm the working conditions of employees at different employment levels and do not allow any unreasonable differences in treatment.

Award System for Improving the Manufacturing Process

We introduce an internal award system with the aim of adopting discoveries at manufacturing sites and using them to reduce the risk of defects in products as well as failures and accidents in the manufacturing process. Every month, valuable discoveries made by employees are recognized with a Good Job Award. The details of the discovery that merited the award are shared on our intranet, inspiring other discoveries, based on a heightened awareness of manufacturing, to spread within the company.