Environmental Vision 2050 / Medium- to Long-Term Environmental Targets

Environmental Vision 2050

The Shinko Group formulated its Environmental Vision 2050 in 2022 to further strengthen its activities designed to help solve environmental problems from a long-term perspective. It is our responsibility of a manufacturing company to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by working to reduce environmental impact. To this end, we have established goals in the 3 areas of "climate change," "resource circulation" and "living in harmony with nature."


Medium- to Long-Term Environmental Targets

The Shinko Group in Japan has established medium- to long-term environmental targets (for FY2030 and FY2050) and is working to achieve the Shinko Group’s goals in the three areas set out in our Environmental Vision 2050.




Status of progress

Reduction rate in net greenhouse gas emissions


Note: Net greenhouse gas emissions:
FY2021, Scope 1 (energy source) + Scope 2 (location-based)
From FY2022 onwards, Scope 1 + Scope 2 (market-based)

Rate of renewable energy use




3.Resource Circulation Targets(資源循環中長期目標表).pngNote: Target figures for FY2030
・The waste target is to reduce the amount of waste equivalent to 50% of the base year FY2020
・The water use target is to reduce the amount of water use equivalent to 5% of the base year FY2020

Status of progress

Waste reduction

4.Waste reduction(廃棄物進捗グラフ).png

Reduction of water use

5.Reduction of water use(水使用量進捗グラフ).png



6.Goal of Living in Harmony with Nature(自然共生の目標).png

Status of progress

7. Living in Harmony with Nature Status of progres(自然共生進捗グラフ).png