Initiatives for SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted at the Sustainable Development Summit held at the United Nations Headquarters in 2015.
The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets that are common issues for the entire international community, regardless of level of development. As a common language that transcends different cultures and positions, the SDGs aim to ensure that no one on the planet is left behind.
The Shinko Group aims to contribute to the realization of the kind of society that meets the SDGs through efforts to address diverse sustainability issues, with a focus on coexistence with local communities, consideration for the global environment, and kindness toward people.

Basic Policy for Achieving SDGs

Through the implementation of the Shinko Way, our corporate philosophy, we aim to harmonize with our diverse stakeholders and contribute to the sound development of society by supporting lives of abundance for people around the world through manufacturing. This basic policy aligns with the achievement of the SDGs adopted by the United Nations. Our Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by providing products and services of high value to its customers and society, and by developing activities for addressing various sustainability issues in order to fulfill its social responsibility as a member of the international and local communities.

Relationship between Our Group's Material Issues and SDGs


Registration as an SDG Promoting Company in Nagano Prefecture

Nagano Prefecture has established the Nagano Prefecture SDG Promoting Company Registration System as a way to promote concrete action on the SDGs while enhancing the value and competitiveness of companies with headquarters and branch offices in Nagano Prefecture. In order to further promote efforts to achieve the SDGs through its registration as an SDG-promoting company in Nagano Prefecture, Shinko applied and was registered as an SDG-promoting company in October 2022. At the time of registration, we formulated a "Declaration for Achieving the SDGs" (Requirement 1) and "Specific Initiatives for Achieving the SDGs" (Requirement 2). We have positioned reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of waste, and increasing the ratio of female managers as priority issues and have been developing activities for addressing them.

Requirement 1: Declaration for Achieving the SDGs (Japanese version only)
Requirement 2: Specific Initiatives for Achieving the SDGs (Japanese version only)