RBA Code of Conduct Initiative

The Shinko Group has adopted " Global Outlook" as one of the Corporate Visions of the Shinko Way, and is developing its business with a view to coexistence and co-prosperity in the global community. We will also strive to fulfill our corporate social responsibility by guiding our actions based on "Global Citizenship."

RBA (Responsible Business Alliance)

The RBA was established primarily by international electronics companies to establish a common code of conduct and to continuously improve the social, environmental, and ethical responsibilities of the supply chain.
Our client companies are also members of the RBA, and we respect the code of conduct set forth by the RBA and promote its activities.
We also request cooperation from our suppliers in complying with the Code of Conduct.

RBA Code of Conduct

The RBA Code of Conduct was established with reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International Labor Standards, and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct. The Code of Conduct defines the four aspects of the Labor; Health and Safety; Environment; and Business Ethics, and a management system that implements these aspects is also stipulated.

Code of Conduct Practices

We have clarified who is responsible for each of the four aspects and the organization in charge of each, and we ensure that the following processes are implemented in accordance with the management system.


Each person responsible for these activities reports to top management for review, confirms the effectiveness of the management system, and reflects their opinions in the following year's activities and beyond.
In addition, we are promoting continuous improvement through the following initiatives to further ensure that the Code of Conduct is put into practice.

Conducting Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)

The RBA has an evaluation tool that allows companies to score themselves by answering questions about the status of their actual efforts in the four aspects of the Code of Conduct, as well as their assessment of risks related to corporate social responsibility. Using this tool, we conduct a self-assessment once a year to review whether its initiatives are in line with the Code of Conduct, what risks it faces, etc. The results are referred to and used to determine the next activity goals to improve its score. We also share the answers and scores with our customers who are RBA members. In addition, we respond to questionnaires inquired individually by our customers, and communicate with them to deepen our understanding of the requirements in line with the Code of Conduct.

Conducting third-party audits (VAP: Validated Assessment Program)

RBA provides a program for a third-party organization to evaluate the status of compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct. In response to requests from RBA member customers, the Company implemented an audit program at its Kohoku Plant and Wakaho Plant, both in Nagano City, most recently in July 2024. Based on the results of the audits, we will improve compliance with the standards and promote continuous improvement activities.