The Shinko Group regards waste as a valuable resource and continues to work to recover and use it as an energy source.
In accordance with the (1) curbing of generation, (2) reuse, (3) recycling, and (4) heat recovery stipulated in the Basic Law for Establishing a Recycling-Based Society, we are actively introducing facilities to reduce the amount of waste acid, alkali, and sludge generated in the manufacturing process and also making efforts in the area of reuse.
Reporting boundary: Shinko Group in Japan
In FY2022, we achieved a reduction in waste equivalent to 6.1% (365 tons) of the total amount discharged in FY2020 by promoting the conversion of waste into valuable materials through thorough sorting. As a result, we were able to reduce the amount of waste equivalent to 10.1% (602 tons) of our FY2020 waste emissions, combined with our FY2021 results, in line with our mid- to long-term environmental targets.
In FY2023 and beyond, we will strengthen our efforts to reduce waste in expectation of further increases in the volume of waste resulting from the startup of a new plant and increased production.
Gross Output of Waste, and Amount per Unit of Sales1
1 Amount per unit of sales: Amount of waste per 100 million yen of sales
Trends in Waste + Valuable Material and Effective Utilization Rate
Examples of Waste Reduction Activities
1. Reduction of debris and waste through process improvement
2. Promotion of the conversion of waste into valuable materials through thorough sorting
3. Extending the period of use of cleaning liquid, plating solutions, and recycling waste liquids
4. Promotion of regeneration and reuse
5. Cutting weight by reducing moisture content
6. In-house processing
〈Reducing Waste by Reusing Wooden Palettes〉
Traditionally, wooden pallets used by material and component manufacturers at the time of delivery have become waste. We therefore asked the manufacturers to switch to reusing pallets. The wooden pallets used at the time of delivery are collected by the manufacturer and used repeatedly, resulting in a reduction of 14.4 tons of waste per year.
Plastic is a widely used material because of its usefulness, but it is also cited as a factor in various problems such as marine plastic pollution, climate change, and waste. In response to this global situation, Japan enacted the "Plastic Resource Circulation Act" in June 2021. As a major emitter as defined in this Law, we have newly established the "Promote measures to reduce amount of plastic materials used and amount of waste plastic" as part of the Environmental Action Program (Stage 11) in order to contribute to the resolution of issues related to plastics, and we are promoting this initiative.
〈Reducing Waste Plastic by Making Plastic Containers for Chemicals into Valuable Material〉
At the Takaoka Plant, we have begun efforts to convert plastic containers for chemicals, which were previously discarded as waste, into valuable material. Making these into valuable material takes time and effort because the chemical labels must be removed from the containers after they are washed. However, in FY2022, we were able to reduce the amount of waste plastic by converting these containers into 1.5 tons of valuable material. In FY2023 and beyond, we plan to expand the reduction of waste plastic at other plants as well.
Empty containers after removal of chemical labels
We achieved zero emissions, eliminating landfill and simple incineration (disposal that does not make effective use of waste heat during incineration or residues left after incineration) of waste in FY2003 to help create a recycling-oriented society. Since then, the effective utilization rate for waste has remained close to 100%, and we continue to maintain zero emissions.
Note: The effective utilization rate will not reach 100% since waste for which there is no effective utilization method and waste brought to local government-operated disposal sites that do not practice effective utilization (general waste from business activities) is not subject to zero emissions calculations.
We consign waste to industrial waste disposal operators for proper disposal in accordance with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act and verify proper disposal through annual on-site inspections of disposal operators. In FY2022, we used documents and remote verification of contractors, with a view to preventing the spread of COVID-19. We also properly dispose of equipment containing PCBs possessed by the Shinko Group in Japan in accordance with the Act on Special Measures concerning Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Wastes.