The first item in the Code of Conduct within the Shinko Way is “We respect human rights.” This is an explicit
statement of our corporate stance of acting on the basis of a spirit of respect for human rights in all business
operations. Sinko Group strives to ensure that all Group employees show this spirit in their actions.
We uniformly use Global Business Standards (GBS) as guidelines for the Code of Conduct in terms of employee
actions, and we share the concept of respect for human rights throughout the Shinko Group worldwide. The
Shinko Group has established the SHINKO Guiding Principles of Respect for Human Rights in Employment. We
continue to work for equal employment opportunities, respect for human rights, elimination of discrimination,
and the prohibition of forced labor and child labor.
SHINKO Guiding Principles of Respect for Human Rights in Employment
With a view to realizing our growth and profits, respect for human rights must be an integral part of our business culture. SHINKO is committed to creating a culture in which employees respect the dignity and worth of individuals. To this end, SHINKO will strive to foster respect for human rights in all the countries and regions where we operate our business while providing an environment that encourages employees to understand and realize importance of human rights.
1. Equal Employment Opportunity and Respect for Human Rights
SHINKO strives to provide equal employment opportunities.
SHINKO is committed to treat our employees with no illegal discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, social status, lineage, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation and any other legally protected category that is unrelated to the legitimate interests of SHINKO.2. Compliance with Employment Laws and Regulations
SHINKO adheres to the applicable laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which it operates in treating our employees.3. Prohibition of Forced Labor/Child Labor
SHINKO will not use any form of forced or compulsory labor.
SHINKO will not use child labor.4. Work Environment
SHINKO strives to achieve and maintain a healthy and safe work environment that motivates its employees.
Shinko promotes awareness of human rights throughout the year by providing rank-specific training on human rights, e-Learning to all employees, and through active participation in human rights workshops held outside the Company.
The Shinko Way education for all employees covered topics such as harassment related to human rights and
internal systems for balancing work with childcare, nursing care, and medical treatment (including infertility
treatment) to deepen understanding toward the realization of diverse work styles. All employees, including
dispatched workers but not those on leave, have completed this training.
In training for new managers and leaders and other rank-specific training, we provide education on harassment
prevention using case studies, focusing on power harassment, sexual harassment, and harassment related to
pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and nursing care. In addition, training for new managers includes education
on how to respond when consulted by subordinates regarding harassment.
During Human Rights Week in December, we conducted an e-Learning program "Toward Creating an
Environment Where Diverse Human Resources Can Thrive" for all employees. The program deepened
understanding and interest in disability and gender diversity, thereby raising awareness of human rights for
each and every one of our employees.
Through education and enlightenment on human rights, we will continue to promote the creation of an
organizational culture that makes it easy for everyone to realize their full potential.
Shinko Group has established internal and external Corporate Ethics Helplines for consultation about human
rights in Japan. In particular, we have also established consultation services in each plant for issues, such as
sexual harassment, to make it easy for employees to seek consultation. In addition, we have established
systems for reporting and consulting at all overseas sites through providing a multilingual whistleblower
system for overseas sites.
All employees working in the Shinko Group can use consultation services, and company rules clearly stipulate
such matters as the protection of personal information and privacy when seeking consultation or blowing the
whistle as well as the prohibition of unfair treatment of employees who seek consultation. When employees
contact the corporate ethics helplines for consultation about human rights or to report an issue, the call or
e-mail is taken by a personnel department manager designated in advance as a person to handle consultations.
If an investigation and response are deemed necessary, action will be quickly taken to check the facts with the
relevant parties and to find a solution to the problem.
In FY2023, there were no serious cases of violation of workers’ rights reported to the Group’s internal
whistleblowing helplines.
In the future, we will continue to create systems and provide guidance to facilitate smooth communication. At
the same time, we will continue to disseminate information through the Shinko Way education and promote the
use of Human Rights Consultation Services to enable us to detect and respond to problems as early as possible.